samstag, 22.04.2000 - 6.00 h - 8.00 h
jörg seebold
style: chill-out
>>> jörg seebold bettet euch auf einen klangteppich aus ambient, downbeats
und elektro - also ruhig noch mal 'ne runde umdrehen
- 06:00 Nightmares on Wax - Les Nuits (Warp - WAP 118)
- 06:06 Introspection - Aural Float (Elektrolux - Elo)
- 06:16 Moby ??? - Jam & Spoon Mix (DMC - Back LP1)
- 06:29 Promo - JFC (Elektrolux - Promo)
- 06:34 Sie ist weg - Die Fantastischen Vier (Columbia - Col 6623782)
- 06:40 Promo - (Promo - )
- 07:01 Always Feed the Fish 1 - Full Moon Fashions (Elektrolux - E110010CD)
- 07:03 Always Feed the Fish 2 - Full Moon Fashions (Electrolux - E110010CD)
- 07:10 - ( - )
- 07.20 Story of Life - Ajax (Elektrolux - E110010CD)
- 07:36 Elvis on the Road Steel Guitar in MY Soul - KLF (TVT Records - TVT 7155)
- 07:38 Belan - Lakoff/Igrver Pete Nahlook (Fax Records - PW 38 ?)
- 07:40 Ciel Ouvert - Yello (Phonogram - PG 899)
- 07:46 Zweig - Aural Float (East West/ Warner - 0630-19200-2)
- 07:53 Cold Blue Glass remix - Stroibe Light Network (Elektrolux - E1010)
fenster schließen